Last night I picked up my mobile phone and dialed into the free trial sex chat and had several sexy experiences. I thought I would share with you so you can decide to have a go at the taboo chat lines.

I have recently come out as gay and many of my friends are supportive through my family, unfortunately, is not. I have only had a couple of in-person experiences with other men sexually and the chat lines have been a great way for me to explore what I actually like and what I actually don’t like.
Last night I dialed one of the phone sex trial numbers and immediately went from hello to nasty and dirty phone sex with a hot guy! We tried out some of his role-playing scenarios and then he allowed me to try out one of my fantasies. Then we continued by co-creating a fantasy between ourselves. Needless to say, it was awesome! I learned that I can just be my weird self and still be respected and accepted! It was amazing to meet this guy that doesn’t know me but gave me the space to express whatever I wanted to. I want to do that for others. It seems as though the phone chat community is filled with men that do that for each other and that’s something I’m proud to be a part of.

The chat lines are open 24 hours a day and every single day of the week and I totally recommend giving it a try and seeing what you can learn about yourself and others. The worst case scenario is that you’ll get off to someone moaning on the phone.

There really are no topics that can’t be communicated and you should totally feel comfortable expressing yourself and what you want.