Be yourself because everyone else is already taken and when you are you and show yourself through your conversations on the chat lines, you encourage people who enjoy your personality quirks and experiences to spend more time with you. Think about it like this: would you like to hang out with someone who isn’t being who they are? They are acting inauthentic and putting on an act, it’s a wonder why anyone would want to hang out with someone who isn’t being real with self. So you may as well just show who you really are to other guys on the chat lines. Most people find it sexy because they wouldn’t want you any other way.

You can be yourself on the chat lines by telling stories that have happened in your life, sharing your interests, and telling others about your experiences. You can be yourself by using your imagination to create funky and fun fantasies and you should listen and respond to guys on the chat lines in the way only you would. Show your personality and show others what you want.

The chat lines never shut down so you can call any time of day or night and speak with as many men as you want to. There will always be men available to chat as there are literally hundreds of guys on the chat lines at any given times and they are all different from one another in what they want and how each of them show self through conversing on the chat lines. You can speak to guys from all over the world and even some from your own town. Learn about each others lives and build genuine friendships and love connections. The more you share with others, the more others will likely want to share with you. Give what you want to other guys on the chat lines and you’ll be surprised what unfolds for you.